Monday, May 19, 2008

Don't Stop At "I Can't"

I thought it only a tease to write a whole article about my aha moment in the shower on Sunday and not tell you what my "epiphany" actually entailed. So here it is..."Admitting that you are weak is merely a sign of GREATER strength". Simple. To the point. Yet, so HARD to live out!
Our culture is so against weakness! We are taught growing up to be tough...dry up oour tears, brush off our skinned knees, put a band-aid on our wounds and keep on walking. Why? The Bible speaks contrary to this mentality. Psalms 147:10 tells us that God "takes no pleasure in the strength of the horse or human might". He wants us to rely on Him and His strength. We fight against God when we think that it is up to us to muster the strength necessary to tackle all the challenges life presents us. We try, try, and try again, only to find ourselves facing extra unnecessary battles of discouragement, fatigue, frustration, etc. The truth is when we are weak He is strong. When we throw our arms up in surrender to God and say, "I Can't!" we should not be ashamed, or think there is something wrong with us because we are admitting we are weak. These moments are only signs of greater takes a lot more courage in our culture to admit that we are weak than it does to make ourselves appear to be resilient and able to weather any storm in our own strength. Let's stop thinking that we can do everything in our own strength and satrt following our thoughts of "I can't" with "but God can"!